Homemade Anti Chew Spray For Dogs

Homemade Anti Chew Spray For Dogs

Dogs chew for many reasons like; to soothe gums during teething, as a way to explore their new environment, seek attention, coping with boredom, among many other things.

Despite the reason behind your dog’s chewing, it can get destructive, and it’s your job to know how to stop it. One of the most recommended methods is a homemade anti chew spray because it is cheap and free of harmful chemicals that can have adverse side effects on your dog. 

We have compiled a list of four homemade anti chew sprays which contain 100% natural and safe ingredients.

Five Homemade Dog Deterrent Sprays

1. Bitter apple spray

The most popular and effective homemade anti-chew spray is bitter apple spray, which deters chewing incredibly well. The remedy imparts an unpleasant taste and odor to the things it sprays.

Dogs can taste sweet, bitter, salty, and sour flavors. Dogs will steer clear of objects with a harsh taste, much like people. According to estimates, a dog’s sense of smell is 10,000–100,000 times more powerful than a human’s.

Dogs have a keen sense of smell and will steer clear of the bitter apple solution if they smell it from a distance. However, if the smell isn’t enough, your dog will turn away due to the solution’s unpleasant taste.

You’ll need the following to prepare this solution:

  1. Apple cider vinegar in two parts
  2. White vinegar, one part
  3. A clean spray bottle

In a spray bottle, combine the white vinegar and apple cider. Make sure the spray container was filled with just consumable items at first. You can get a fresh bottle from your neighborhood store to be safe. Although it’s uncommon, spray test on a tiny area of your furniture to prevent discoloration.

2. Lemon Solution as a Bitter Spray

You can use lemon juice rather than apple cider vinegar to prepare a dog deterrent. Use two parts lemon juice and one part white vinegar in this case. Spray the mixture onto the trouble spots like the bitter apple spray.

Lemon safety for dogs may be a worry for some people. This is because lemon and lime contain phototoxic substances like psoralens that, in high concentrations, could be harmful to your dog. Fortunately, the amount of lemon your dog would consume when chewing on items that have been sprayed is too small to have any negative health effects.

3. Citrus Solutions

Dogs find citrus fruits like limes to be unappealingly bitter. Your dog won’t chew on furniture if you spray some citrus juice. This homemade anti-chew spray is prepared by:

  1. Two cups of orange or lime peels, peeled, should be steeped in 4 cups of water.
  2. Give the solution time to cool.
  3. Spray the homemade dog repellent in all trouble spots.

Most canines can’t stand citrus fruits’ pungent aroma and flavor. However, you might choose citrus peels if apple vinegar and white vinegar are difficult to find.

4. Hot Spices & Citronella oil

Cayenne pepper and other hot spices are effective solutions for preventing chewing. The problem with pepper is that it can irritate your puppy’s eyes and nose. You’re undoubtedly accustomed to the uneasy sneeze that happens after breathing spices like cayenne pepper.

Regardless, it could be worthwhile to try cayenne pepper. Boil a cup of water, add half a cup of fresh cayenne pepper, and let it steep until it cools. Because dogs hate the smell of citronella oil, add 1/4 cup of it.

To prevent puppies from chewing on certain items, spray the solution on them. You might also mix some water with 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and spray it on the trouble spots.

5. Vinegar

A vinegar-based spray will likely deter your dog from your beloved throw pillows if he dislikes your vinegar-flavored potato chips.

For a tongue-curling feeling, try combining two parts apple cider vinegar with one part white vinegar. Vinegar is a fantastic substitute for chewing on your shoes if your dog does it, but use something else on your plants because they also dislike vinegar.

The Do’s And Don’t’s

Like people, dogs have particular tastes they prefer or dislike, so there is no guarantee that your dog will be deterred by vinegar, hot spices & citronella oil, citrus solutions, bitter apple spray, or lemon solution.

Before using the flavored deterrent, introduce it to your dog. Just place a small bit of it on some cotton wool or tissue, and then give that to your dog to chew on. He’ll probably spit it out after tasting it, and if he doesn’t like the flavor, he might also gag, shake his head, or drool.

Only use a DIY repellent on your dog’s fur after first talking to the veterinarian. Additionally, you don’t want to punish your dog by making him wear a chewed-up object or stop him from chewing with a muzzle or duct tape. According to the ASPCA, your dog won’t learn anything from these unsuitable methods.

Alternatives to Stop Chewing

Provide Chew Toys and Safe bones

Chewing is a natural and necessary behavior in dogs; thus, it cannot be completely stopped. However, giving your dog toys and bones to chew on will prevent them from chewing on forbidden objects.

Chew toys give dogs a positive chewing outlet. Dogs enjoy chewing because it relieves stress and lets them release excess energy.

Take Your Dog for More Walks

The main reason dogs chew is a lack of stimulation. Bored dogs chew on objects or paws to gain mental and physical stimulation. Regular walks with your dog provide a safe outlet for pent-up energy.

‘Dog proof’ your house

You’ve probably heard of childproofing a home to keep kids from tampering. When you put goods out of reach, you may do the same with dogs. For example, keep certain items out of your dog’s reach on a high shelf or cabinet if you don’t want them to be chewed on.

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