How to Prevent Dog Collar Strangulation

9 Tips On How to Prevent Dog Collar Strangulation

We make our dogs put on collars with good intentions. They make it easy for our dogs to find their way back home whenever they are lost with the help of the identification tags. But do you know that collars can lead to 26,000 death or injuries annually? Collars can get trapped on a crate, fence, another dog’s collar, or tree branches which in worst cases leads to strangulation of the dog. However, this does not mean we give up on the traditional buckle collars because they can be worn safely as explained in this article.

You can prevent dog collar strangulation by choosing the right size, take the it off when you are at home, be cautious when you are in the park, carry a sharp object, avoid dangling name tags, buy a break- away collar, Microchip your dog  or share with other paw parents on collars dangers for more advise.

9 Tips on How to Prevent Dog Collar Strangulation

1. Choosing the Right Size

One of the main contributors to neck injuries in dogs is wrongly fitted collars. You should ensure that the collar is snugly fit by putting two fingers in between the collar and the neck. If the two fingers cannot fit or fit and leave too much space, the collar is not the right size for your dog. Make sure the fit is comfortable when your dog is standing and sitting so that it won’t become too tight when he lies down.

Too-tight collars can cause skin irritability, swelling, and infection. When parents neglect to resize their collars as their puppies grow, this frequently happens. The collar can cut into the dog’s neck if left for long.

Too-loose collars pose a very larger threat. For instance, a dog scratching can get a paw caught in a collar that is too loose. The dog’s leg may break if he pulls vigorously to release himself. Mouth injuries are frequently the result of dogs getting their teeth or tongue caught in an excessively loose collar.

2. Be Cautious At Dog Parks

The majority of dog collar accidents happen when a dog is playing with another dog, for instance at a dog park. During a sniff and greet, one dog’s teeth or tongue may become lodged in the other’s collar. Or perhaps during wrestling, the ID tag that hangs from one collar gets caught in the collar of the other.

They end up panicking, twisting, and pushing to try to escape since they are unable to sensibly understand how to solve their issue. Unfortunately, that struggle can result in one dog suffocating. A dog can be choked to death by collar strangulation in just three minutes.

You should supervise your dog at the park so that you can quickly intervene when need be.

3. Carry A Sharp Object

Carry a knife or pair of scissors or another tiny, sharp item when walking your dog. This is certainly not a perfect method as it just aids in the response to the problem rather than prevention.

You will be able to cut your dog’s collar if it gets caught somewhere, releasing him before anything worse occurs. This, therefore, implies that you must keep a careful eye on your dog and be prepared to take immediate action.

4. Take Off The Collar At Home

Most dog collar-related mishaps occur when the dog is left unattended. If there’s no one at home to supervise your dog or when you’re sleeping at night, remove your dog’s collar for safety. Take the collar off when your dog is in the crate or playing in the backyard.

This is crucial in households with multiple dogs who like to play together. Many tragic accidents occur when the collars of two dogs become caught up with one dog’s teeth or ID tags. Their instinct is to jerk, twist, and attempt to flee can lead to strangulation.

5. Avoid Dangling Name Tags

Bone-shaped ID tags are very appealing to many dog owners. However, accidents involving collars are frequently brought on by dangling ID tags.

Tags can become entangled in the collars of other dogs, in kennel wires, fences, tree branches, and roots, among other places. Struggles to free oneself may result in neck cuts and bruises or, in the worst case scenario, strangulation.

7. Buy A Break-Away Collar

Tenney Mudge invented the Keepsafe Break-Away Collar in 1995 after her dog passed away from collar strangulation. There are several other brands of breakaway dog collars available now that have a similar function.

The break-away dog collars have a common feature of having an automatic release point when pressure is applied. Therefore, the collar will come off the dog’s neck if he or she starts pulling on it. The safety clip is disabled when the leash is on, thus the mechanism only functions when the dog is walking by himself.

8. Microchip Your Dog

Although collars can make a stylish statement, their main function is to hold ID tags in case the dog escapes or gets lost. This is the reason why many dog owners are reluctant to leave their dog’s collar-free, even at home. Dogs are adept at escaping.

When going outside to retrieve the mail, all it takes is one swift slip past your legs. Having your dog microchipped enables you to remove the collar while still being certain that your dog can be identified if he gets lost.

9. Engage In Talks With Other Paw Parents

Talks can help in two ways. You will share your experiences with other dog owners on collar accidents and the method you used to solve them. On the other hand, you will get advice on how they prevent collar strangulation or how they deal with the problem.

Also Read: How To stop A Dog From Opening Doors

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