Is Canned Chicken Good For Dogs?

Is Canned Chicken Good For Dogs?

There are numerous discussions on pet nutrition concerning what constitutes the optimum diet for our furry companions. While we’re used to associating dogs with kibble or home-cooked meals, there’s another choice that may raise an eyebrow – canned chicken. The same easy, ready-to-eat chicken that you may have in your pantry. But is canned chicken safe for dogs?

In this post we will discuss everything about canned chicken to help you determine whether it deserves a place in your pups dish.

Is Canned Chicken Good For Dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat canned chicken. If canned chicken is properly cooked and prepared, it is safe for dogs to eat. Compared to dry kibbles, canned chicken has more protein and fewer carbohydrates. Additionally, they are free of artificial preservatives and colors.

Even though you can give your dog canned chicken, you shouldn’t do it on daily basis. This is due to the amount of excessive salt it possesses. Your dog’s digestive system may suffer if they consume too much salt, which can also make them thirsty. Watch your dog while introducing new foods because abrupt dietary changes might cause upset stomach or digestive problems.

Benefits of Canned Chicken To Dogs

Essential Amino Acids

There are several different amino acids in chicken meat, including lysine, leucine, tryptophan, methionine, valine, and histidine.

Both humans and animals need amino acids to survive. They are in charge of many tasks, including making sure that the electrical signal is appropriately carried from one nerve to another.

Healthy protein

100g of chicken meat contains 27g of protein, and chicken breast has 31g of protein. As you might expect, dogs need a certain quantity of protein in their food to grow and stay healthy.

Weight management

 If your dog has a high risk of developing diabetes or obesity, occasionally giving him canned chicken will relieve your mind. As you may already be aware, neutered or spayed dogs gain weight far more quickly and easily than their intact counterparts.

Health Risks Of Canned Chicken To Dogs


The fact that this type of food is so high in sodium is its worst quality, especially when it is intended primarily for humans rather than dogs. Although sodium is a common preservative and is natural, meaning it has fewer negative effects on the body, it can still be a problematic component for this species.

Long-term salt intake can potentially cause chronic health problems like renal failure.

Therefore, even while canned chicken could be a fantastic snack, especially if your dog loves it, it shouldn’t be given to dogs frequently.


Did you realize some dogs truly have chicken allergies? Given that chicken is the primary ingredient in both dog kibble and wet pet food, this sort of allergy has increased in prevalence over the past few years.

It’s a good idea to completely avoid canned chicken if you are aware that your pet has a tendency to develop allergies to a variety of things and your veterinarian has also advised an elimination diet.


This is possibly the most important reason to refrain from giving your dog canned chicken that you purchase at your neighborhood store and are certain that it was made for people, not animals.

Unfortunately, binders, stabilizers, artificial colors, and preservatives are just a few of the ingredients that can currently be found in canned chicken. You might not be aware that some of them are carcinogenic even though the majority (if not all) of them have explicit warnings on the label. This indicates that prolonged exposure to these toxins may potentially cause cancer in your dog. 

How to Prepare and Serve Your Dog Canned Chicken

Don’t feed canned chicken to your dog directly from the can. In order to ensure that part of the salt has been removed, you should instead let the meat soak in some water for at least an hour or two. Before giving the meat to your dog, strain it.

Negative Effects of Too Much Sodium

Dogs need salt, but too much sodium may have negative health effects. Dogs who consume too much salt may experience several negative side effects, such as:

Dehydration: It can result from sodium because it increases the amount of water that dogs lose through urine.

Electrolyte imbalance: Sodium has an impact on the body’s electrolyte balance, which can result in muscle weakness and other issues.

Renal disease: Too much salt can damage the kidneys and result in renal disease.

High blood pressure: Dogs who have high blood pressure run the risk of serious health problems.

Additionally, consuming too much sodium can result in a coma, vomiting, watery diarrhea, nausea, seizures, high fever, excessive thirst, fluid retention, loss of appetite, muscle spasms, and respiratory problems. If your dog consumes sodium, contact your vet.

Can You Cook Canned Chicken?

Since the canned chicken has already been cooked, there is no need to cook it. You don’t need to cook the chicken again, which is one of its biggest benefits. However, a microwave can be used to reheat canned chicken.

You can prepare food for your dog using canned chicken. The nutrients and health benefits of canned chicken may be lost if it is overcooked. Most food in cans is prepared for consumption. Before opening the can, simply rinse the top.

Since the canned chicken has already been cooked, there is no need to cook it. You don’t need to cook the chicken again, which is one of its biggest benefits. However, a microwave can be used to reheat canned chicken.

You can prepare food for your dog using canned chicken. The nutrients and health benefits of canned chicken may be lost if it is overcooked. Most food in cans is prepared for consumption. Before opening the can, simply rinse the top.


Canned chicken is a wonderful choice for dogs because it is a tasty and healthy piece of meat that can be given to them in tiny amounts throughout the day.

If you are wondering whether canned chicken is appropriate for your dog or cat, consult with your veterinarian first to ensure that canned chicken is a good choice for your pet type.

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