Will My Dog Stop Mounting After Neutering?

Will My Dog Stop Mounting After Neutering?

Your dog might have been mounting on objects, toys, furniture, other dogs in the park, and maybe your legs. Even though mounting is normal for dogs, it is very embarrassing, especially when he does it in public. You might have been advised by a friend or relative that neutering will help lower this behavior but is it true?

Will My Dog Stop Mounting After Neutering?

Neutering your dog will only help in minimizing the behavior but it will not disappear completely. Some dogs mount due to the hormone testosterone circulating in the blood. Neutering helps to decrease this hormone but not completely. Therefore, some dogs will continue mounting after neutering. Additionally, dogs do not mount due to sexual reasons only, this means they can continue to mount after neuter.

Why Do Dogs Mount?

1. Relieving Stress

Your dog can mount as a way of relieving stress. This can be noted if your dog mounts when he is uncomfortable, like when there are guests around when he is left alone when he is in a new environment, and so on. 

Also if you use physical punishment for your dog, he can get stressed and accelerate the mounting behavior to release stress.

2. Learned behavior

Your dog can learn to mount from other dogs. By the time he gets to adulthood the behavior will turn into a habit. Even if you neuter your dog, it will be hard for him to stop the behavior. You should be keen and rectify your dog’s mounting behavior in his puppyhood because it will be hard to rectify the habit as he gets old.

3. Seeking Attention

Dogs are wise and can easily learn what they can do to get your attention. For instance, you come home from work and your dog has been waiting for you a whole day so you can spend time together only for you to ignore him. He can hump your leg in an attempt to get your attention. 

It will not matter to your dog if you give him positive or negative attention, he will be happy to receive either.

4. Boredom

On the other hand, dogs will occasionally hump when they are bored or overly energetic. Make sure they have a lot of engaging toys to play with and maintain a regular exercise schedule. The best ways to get rid of excess energy are playing lengthy games of fetch, going to the dog park, and going on walks.

5. Dominance

Humping can also be a sign of power. Humping can also be a means for dogs who are in unfamiliar social situations example, around new dogs or who are unsure of their place in the pack to determine the new hierarchy system.

6. Overexcitement

Many dogs, especially those with lots of energy, are prone to getting too excited at times. Examples of when this happens frequently are when dog owner gets home from work, when they meet new people or pets, or when they go to the dog park.

Dogs occasionally struggle with knowing what to do with this sudden surge of excess energy. So, they express it through humping.

7. Play Behavior

It’s normal for playful dogs to mount each other as they play, more out of delight than sexual inclinations Even though it may be embarrassing to witness your dog begin to hump another dog, as long as it only occurs briefly during play sessions, it’s acceptable to ignore it.

 However, keep an eye out for other symptoms of stress or overstimulation because a dog may begin humping while playing if they feel frustrated or are policing the play of other dogs.

8. Sexual Desires

Your dog can mount as an indication that he wants a mate. This can frequently happen when male dogs attain reproductive maturity, which typically occurs between the ages of 5 and 6 months.

Your dog might hump to express his despair and needs if a female in heat is close. This hormonal humping can be reduced to some extent by neutering males, yet there are some circumstances where humping may continue even in neutered males.

Medical Issues That Can Cause Mounting

9. Urinary tract infections

 These are typically uncomfortable and may result in genital pain and inflammation. They might find some comfort in mounting.

10. Skin infections

 These infections frequently itch and irritate dogs. Humping may be used as an alternative to chewing or licking as a means of easing discomfort, pain, and irritability.

11. Priapism (persistent erection)

When erections remain for a long time, they can be uncomfortable. Some dogs hump to relieve the discomfort instead of licking.

Steps to Stop Your Dog from Mounting

1. Use distraction tactics

It’s high time to get out your bag of dog toys if discouraging behavior persists. This stage confounds a lot of owners because, well, it almost seems like you’re praising him for getting humpy. No, this step is all about good timing and diversion.

Find his favorite toy and throw it for him to play with as soon as you realize that he has started to mount on things.

2. Spay or Neuter

In other cases, stopping the horny hormones from rushing is the only way to stop them. So now is the time to talk to your veterinarian if your dog hasn’t been neutered or spayed yet. Neutering and spaying can sometimes lower sexual activities by up to 70%, according to research. There is therefore no practical incentive to keep your dog intact unless you intend to breed them.

Fortunately, there are many additional advantages to spaying and neutering as well, including a lower chance of significant health issues and a decrease in the likelihood of unwanted litter.

3. Discourage the Behavior

This is frequently both the simplest and most effective step.  

You should use the training command you taught him in this circumstance, such as “no,” “leave it,” or “away.” Tell him no as soon as he starts to mount on his target. If he doesn’t respond, repeat it once more and drag him away. Alternately, if you can’t get rid of him, take away the object he’s playing with.

He will understand right away that what he is doing is incorrect with a loud, clear, and forceful command.

4. Avoid the circumstance

If you are aware that your dog becomes humpy in particular circumstances like the ones we stated before, attempt to stay away from those scenarios.

This cannot be applicable all the time. However, if a particular toy or a particular dog at the neighborhood dog park always reignites his interest, don’t go into the park if that dog is there.

5. Call A Behaviorist

If your dog is humping excessively and you have tried the above method but none seem to work, call a behaviorist.

A behaviorist will help you in determining the main cause of your dog’s mounting behavior and will offer a better solution.

6. Call A Vet

As we have discussed above, medical reasons can contribute to your dog’s mounting behavior. It is crucial if you would take your dog to a vet to out rule any possibility of health issues.

Wrap up

There is no assurance that your dog will stop mounting after neutering. Mounting is contributed by many reasons apart from sexual urges.

If you decide to neuter your dog you will be decreasing the chances of your dog mounting behavior by 70%. It is crucial to train your dog from puppyhood to stop mounting as the habit can be hard to break as he ages. Hopefully, this article will assist you in stopping your dog from mounting after neuter.

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