Bravecto Killing Dogs- Is Bravecto Truly Safe for Dogs?

 I’ve got a bone-chilling tale that has been stirring up quite a stir in the dog community – the controversial whispers about Bravecto potentially causing harm to our beloved furry companions. As someone who cherishes their four-legged friend, I’m delving deep into this topic to uncover the truth behind these unsettling claims. We all want what’s best for our pups, and ensuring their safety is non-negotiable. So, stick around as we navigate through the maze of information surrounding Bravecto, its reported side effects, and what you can do to protect your furry family member. It’s time to separate fact from fiction, keeping our tails wagging and our pups thriving. So, let’s talk about Bravecto and what you need to know to keep your doggos happy and healthy.

What Is Bravecto For Dogs?

There are two types of Bravecto for dogs i.e.:

Bravecto Spot On

Bravecto Spot-On Solution is a systemic ectoparasiticide for dogs that contains the active component fluralaner. It is an isoxazoline-based flea and tick medication for dogs that has a 12-week duration of action. Bravecto helps to manage environmental flea populations because of its quick onset of action and long-lasting efficacy against adult fleas on the animal, as well as the lack of viable egg production.

Applying Bravecto Spot-On is a breeze. Simply part your dog’s fur at the base of its neck, between the shoulder blades, and squeeze the contents of the applicator onto the skin. It’s quick, precise, and mess-free, making it a great option for dogs that might be a bit picky about what they eat.

Bravecto Oral Tablet

Bravecto [Fluralaner] is a soft chewable tablet that is given to your dog every three months (12 weeks) to kill adult fleas, treat and prevent flea infestations, and treat and control tick infestations. Administering the chew, as opposed to spot-on treatments, is simpler, more convenient, and cleaner. Each chew is flavored, so your dog will look forward to taking his medication for a change. Suitable for dogs as young as 8 weeks old.

Whether you choose the Bravecto chew or the Spot-On, the goal remains the same: keeping our four-legged friends safe from fleas and ticks so they can enjoy life to the fullest.

Bravecto Killing Dogs

Bravecto does not kill dogs. Bravecto for dogs is a widely used flea and tick preventive medication, but like any medication, there have been concerns raised about its potential effects. A dog can die after using Bravecto when he/she had other underlying health conditions, had an allergic reaction to the active ingredient, or overdoses.

Furthermore, regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regularly monitor and assess the safety of veterinary medications, including Bravecto.

Bravecto® has been thoroughly evaluated to worldwide veterinary drug safety standards, meeting approval requirements in over 70 countries.

Bravecto Dosage 

Bravecto Spot on

The dosage for Bravecto Spot-On is straightforward and depends on the size of your dog. Bravecto Spot-On is available in different sizes to accommodate varying weights of dogs. Here’s a breakdown of the dosage based on your dog’s weight:

  • For Dogs 4.4 – 9.9 lbs (2 – 4.5 kg): One pipette of Bravecto Spot-On for Small Dogs, providing a dose suitable for this weight range.
  • For Dogs 9.9 – 22 lbs (4.5 – 10 kg): One pipette of Bravecto Spot-On for Medium Dogs, containing the appropriate dosage for dogs in this weight category.
  • For Dogs 22 – 44 lbs (10 – 20 kg): One pipette of Bravecto Spot-On for Large Dogs, designed to cover dogs within this weight range.
  • For Dogs 44 – 88 lbs (20 – 40 kg): One pipette of Bravecto Spot-On for Extra-Large Dogs, delivering the right amount for dogs in this size bracket.

Bravecto Chewable Tablets

Here’s a general breakdown of Bravecto dosage based on your dog’s weight:

  • For Dogs 4.4 – 9.9 lbs (2 – 4.5 kg): One Bravecto chewable tablet for small dogs, providing 112.5 mg of the active ingredient (fluralaner).
  • For Dogs 9.9 – 22 lbs (4.5 – 10 kg): One Bravecto chewable tablet for medium dogs, containing 250 mg of fluralaner.
  • For Dogs 22 – 44 lbs (10 – 20 kg): One Bravecto chewable tablet for medium/large dogs, with 500 mg of fluralaner.
  • For Dogs 44 – 88 lbs (20 – 40 kg): One Bravecto chewable tablet for large dogs, containing 1000 mg of fluralaner.
  • For Dogs 88 – 123 lbs (40 – 56 kg): One Bravecto chewable tablet for extra-large dogs, providing 1400 mg of fluralaner.

It’s essential to ensure that the dosage matches your dog’s weight, as giving the correct amount is crucial for the treatment’s effectiveness and safety.

Note: This information is not meant to replace your vet’s advice.                     

Bravecto Side Effects

Below are some of the reported side effects of Bravecto on dogs;

The Common Ones: Gastrointestinal Distress

The most commonly reported side effects associated with Bravecto are related to the gastrointestinal system. Some dogs might experience vomiting or diarrhea shortly after taking the medication. Now, it’s essential to put this into perspective.

Yes, it sounds alarming, but in many cases, these symptoms are temporary and mild. My pup had a bit of an upset tummy after the first dose, but it subsided within a day, and he was back to his usual self. It’s crucial to monitor your dog and contact your vet if the symptoms persist or seem severe.

Lethargy: A Temporary Hurdle

Another potential side effect that caught my attention was lethargy. Some dogs might seem a bit more tired than usual after taking Bravecto. Now, this might sound concerning, but think about it – we’ve all had those days when we feel a bit sluggish after taking certain medications. It’s essential to observe your dog but keep in mind that this lethargy is often temporary.

Allergic Reactions: A Rare Occurrence

I’m sure you’ve heard about allergic reactions being reported in some dogs after taking Bravecto. While it’s essential to acknowledge that any medication can trigger an allergic response, these instances seem to be relatively rare. The key is to be vigilant and ready to act if you notice any unusual symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or swelling, which could indicate an allergic reaction.

For most dogs, Bravecto provides effective protection without causing any significant problems. My pup and I, along with many others, have had positive experiences with the product. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential side effects, monitor your dog closely, and consult your vet if you have any concerns.

Safety Measures When Using Bravecto For Dogs

As a responsible pet parent, I’ve gathered some crucial safety measures to ensure the effective and worry-free use of Bravecto for our furry companions. Let’s dive in:

Consult Your Veterinarian

Before starting any new medication, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian. They know your dog’s health history and can provide personalized guidance. They’ll help you determine the right dosage based on your dog’s weight, recommend the appropriate form of Bravecto (chew or Spot-On), and address any potential concerns.

Follow Dosage Guidelines

As we discussed earlier, the correct dosage is crucial. Whether it’s the Bravecto chew or the Spot-On, ensure you’re using the right product for your dog’s weight. More isn’t always better; stick to the recommended dosage to ensure your dog’s safety.

Observe for Any Adverse Reactions

After administering Bravecto, keep an eye on your dog for the next 24 hours. Look out for any signs of adverse reactions, such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or allergic symptoms. While these are relatively rare, being vigilant ensures you catch any issues early.

Monitor for Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions are extremely rare but not impossible. If you notice swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, or any other unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. Early detection and treatment are essential.

Be Mindful of Other Medications

Let your vet know if your dog is on any other medications or has underlying health conditions. This information can help prevent potential interactions or complications.

Keep Children and Other Pets Away

After administering Bravecto, it’s a good idea to prevent other pets from licking or grooming the treated dog for a few hours. This minimizes the risk of them ingesting any residue. Additionally, keep Bravecto out of reach of children.

Store Properly

Store Bravecto in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Follow the storage instructions on the packaging to maintain its efficacy.


In the grand scheme of things, Bravecto is a powerful tool to keep your furry companion safe from fleas and ticks. While there are potential side effects, they’re generally rare, and many dogs have no issues whatsoever. Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. The decision to use Bravecto or any other flea and tick preventive should be based on your pup’s health, your veterinarian’s advice, and your comfort level.

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