Temaril-P For Dogs

Temaril-P For Dogs- A Complete Guide

Temaril-P, sometimes referred to as Trimeprazine with Prednisolone, is a canine antipruritic (itch-relieving), antitussive (cough-relieving), and anti-inflammatory medication. It is generally used to treat itching as a combination antihistamine-glucocorticoid drug. It can, however, also be administered as a cough suppressor to lessen the signs and symptoms of bacterial illnesses such as kennel cough or coughing fits.

Temaril-P requires a prescription from your veterinarian and is FDA-approved for dogs but not cats or humans.

Temaril-P should only be used at the lowest doses for the shortest amounts of time to prevent Cushing’s syndrome. Temaril-P may help treat both itching issues and cough in dogs.

Today, we’ll discuss the benefits of Temaril P for dogs as well as its mechanism of action. Additionally, we’ll discuss dosage, how frequently and how long it’s safe to administer it, and any adverse effects you should be aware of.

Temaril-P Tablets Indications and Usage


Temaril-P is advised for relief of itching, no matter what the cause. Its efficacy has been established for the alleviation of itching and the decrease of inflammation frequently connected with the majority of canine skin conditions, including eczema brought on by internal illnesses, otitis, and dermatitis (allergic, parasitic, pustular, and nonspecific). It frequently soothes pruritus that does not respond to other treatments. Any pruritus treatment should start with identifying and addressing the underlying cause; otherwise, symptoms are likely to return when medication is stopped.


Temaril-P has been proven to be an effective treatment and additional therapy for a variety of cough disorders in dogs. Temaril-P is thus advised for the treatment of “kennel cough” or tracheobronchitis, bronchitis including all allergic bronchitis, infections, and coughs of nonspecific origin, in addition to its antipruritic effect. (Temaril-P therapy would not be anticipated to be effective for coughs brought on by cardiac insufficiencies.) As with any antitussive therapy, the cause of the cough should be identified and, if possible, treated. Otherwise, problems are likely to recur when therapy is stopped.

How does Temaril-P for dogs work?

Prednisolone and trimeprazine are both ingredients in the Temaril-P pill. The combination of these medications helps to reduce inflammation and itching, which are immune response-related symptoms. Prednisolone and trimeprazine are both ingredients in the Temaril-P pill. The combination of these medications helps to reduce inflammation and itching, which are immune response-related symptoms.

Antihistamine trimeprazine works to neutralize histamines. To rid the body of allergens during an allergic reaction, the immune system releases chemicals that might cause several unpleasant symptoms. When histamines are released during an allergic reaction, itching, inflammation, and coughing are all relieved by trimeprazine. Trimeprazine also has sedative effects.

How long does Temaril-P take to work?

Temaril-P is a fast-acting drug that typically starts to work within one to two hours after administration. Depending on your veterinarian’s recommendations, dogs should take another dose every twelve hours for four to five days. It’s crucial to keep in mind that Temaril-P is not a long-term treatment for the allergic symptoms experienced by dogs. Instead, it might lessen or completely get rid of the symptoms that cause coughing and itchy skin. However, if the underlying cause of the illness is not treated, it may come again.

Temaril-P for dogs side effects

Every effective medication has potential side effects. It makes sense that our dogs would become a little confused if their blood contains new or strange molecules.

Learning about these effects will help us spot any problems as they arise. Temaril P has a lengthy list of potential adverse effects.

When taking Temaril-P, dogs may have mild adverse reactions like:

· Upset stomach

· Diarrhea

· Vomiting

· Excessive food ingestion

· Extreme thirst

· Weight gain

· Dry and dull coat

· Panting

· Frequent urination

· Viciousness

· Aggressive behavior

· Lethargy

· Depression

· Muscle wasting

· Hypotension (low blood pressure)

Your dog might drink more water and go potty more frequently while taking this medication. They might also exhibit altered behavior including agitation, anxiety, or restlessness. Prednisolone can make some dogs aggressive, so if your dog’s behavior changes after taking the medicine, talk to your veterinarian immediately.

Temaril-P for dogs must be gradually weaned off of animals after long-term administration. Failure to do so may result in the body’s natural under- or overproduction of steroid hormones.

Temaril-P should not be given to pregnant dogs. Studies have discovered a connection between corticosteroid use in dogs and cleft palate abnormalities.

Temaril-P Dosage

This medication should not be administered without a prescription from a vet.

Each Temaril-P tablet contains 2 mg of prednisolone, which has anti-inflammatory properties, and 5 mg of trimeprazine, which helps relieve itching symptoms regardless of the cause. The table below contains the suggested initial dose, however, you should always heed your veterinarian’s advice.


Weight Of Dog

Initial Dose

Up to 10 lbs½ tablet twice daily
11 – 20 lbs1 tablet twice daily
21 – 40 lbs2 tablets twice daily
Over 40 lbs3 tablets twice daily

You should try halving the dosage after giving your pet the previously mentioned dose for 4 days. A dog weighing 21 to 40 lbs., for instance, would receive 1 tablet every 12 hours. The dosage can be changed until you discover the lowest amount that effectively treats your dog’s symptoms.

What to do if you forget a dose?

Usually, you can resume your regular schedule and give your dog the subsequent dose at the appropriate time. If your dog only has to take Temaril-P once a day, you can provide the medication as soon as you recall and resume your usual dosage schedule the next day.

Giving your dog two dosages at once must be avoided as it may result in an overdose. To avoid potentially serious consequences, omit the first dose if you’re not sure you gave it to your dog and resume the next dose at the scheduled time.

How To Administer Temaril-P

To prevent stomach irritation, Temaril-P for dogs should be administered orally with food. When administered once daily, it is often administered in the morning. Dogs, however, typically take two dosages with food each day. Try your best not to miss a dose because your dog’s cough or itchy skin could recur. Furthermore, you shouldn’t discontinue giving Temaril-P to your dog without first consulting a vet.

Temaril-P can have major negative effects, so you shouldn’t ever discontinue giving it suddenly to your dog. Any drug that contains prednisolone or another corticosteroid has the potential to cause steroid withdrawal in both people and canines. Instead, you must follow your veterinarian’s recommendations and gradually wean your dog off Temaril-P.

Among the withdrawal signs are:

  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea and vomiting

Contact your vet if you notice any of the above signs.

Temaril-P Alternatives

Keep in mind that Temaril-P is not a cure. Instead, it can assist in controlling the symptoms of itchy skin and coughing brought on by different underlying medical conditions and allergies. Temaril-P is not recommended for all dogs, though. There are alternatives available if Temaril-P is not an option for your dog’s itchy skin, including:


 Dogs with atopic dermatitis are treated with Cytopoint, a biological therapy, which targets the itch-causing proteins in the dog’s body. This procedure involves an injection, and the results can last up to 8 weeks. Unfortunately, it’s more expensive than alternative treatments, and some dogs might not respond well to regular injections.

 Flea and tick preventatives

Dogs who are allergic to flea and tick saliva may experience itchy skin, thus flea and tick preventatives are recommended. Flea and tick preventatives are made to get rid of fleas and stop infestations. Giving your dog monthly flea and tick preventatives can help treat and prevent itchy skin caused by fleas and ticks. Prevention is always better than cure.


You might try using only antihistamines if Temaril-P for dogs doesn’t seem appealing since it contains a steroid. While there is no interaction between Benadryl and prednisolone, your dog might not require a medication that combines an antihistamine and a corticosteroid. Instead, daily Benadryl use may be sufficient to lessen their symptoms. Remember to always seek a veterinarian’s advice before giving your dog any medication, particularly ones intended for humans.


An anti-inflammatory drug called Apoquel, a Janus Kinase (JAK) inhibitor, is used to treat allergic skin conditions in dogs. It can be used to treat skin allergies, flea allergies, food allergies, and contact allergies in dogs and many experience symptom alleviation after just one dose. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to be equally efficient as steroids for reducing dermatitis-related skin irritation.

Changes in diet

Itchy skin is generally the most prevalent and obvious sign of food allergies in dogs. Dogs can be allergic to everything, from dust to a chemical in their treats, so it can be difficult to diagnose a dog with food allergies. To rule out the possibility that a food allergy is to blame for the symptoms, the vet will put your dog on an elimination diet.

Temaril-P drug interactions

Temaril-P may interact negatively with some other drugs and supplements. If your pet is taking any prescription drugs, vitamins, or nutritional supplements, let your veterinarian know. Temaril-P frequently interacts poorly with the following drugs, among others:

· Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

· Amphotericin B

· Antacids

· Antidiarrheals

· Anticholinesterases

· Aspirin

· Cisapride

· Central nervous system depressant agents

· Cyclophosphamide

· Cyclosporine

· Digoxin

· Potassium-depleting diuretics

· Ephedrine

· Estrogens

· Insulin

· Ketoconazole

· Mitotane

· Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

· Paroxetine

· Phenobarbital

· Phenytoin

· Rifampin

· Vaccines

Temaril-P may also cause allergies in some dogs, so it’s important to watch your dog closely after administering a new drug to make sure they don’t have any negative side effects.

How Long Can Dogs Take Temaril P?

Temaril should be used for 4-5 days, according to the manufacturers. However, we suggest that you follow the information your veterinarian provides for you. Vets write prescriptions for drugs with a purpose in mind. Ask your veterinarian if you have any questions about how long your dog will be taking the medication. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you believe the medication is causing your dog excess discomfort or if you see any of the adverse reactions mentioned above.

Can You Give Human Temaril P To Dogs?

There isn’t a combo medication for humans like Temaril P. However, prednisolone and trimeprazine, the two medications that make up the drug, can be prescribed by doctors for human use.

This does not imply that you can administer these medications to your dog at human dosages. Importantly, chemicals like xylitol that are hazardous to dogs may be present in the human versions. Before administering any prescription medication, always consult your veterinarian.

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