Dog Rubbing Face Against The Carpet

Dog Rubbing Face Against The Carpet?- 13 Reasons

Dogs do some behaviors that leave their owners puzzled. One thing for sure is that you cannot understand all of your dog’s behaviors but you try to learn them one by one. Understanding the reason behind every behavior your dog displays will help you to know when it is normal and when to seek medical attention.

Scroll down to understand why your dog is rubbing his face against the carpet.

13 Reasons Why Dogs Rub Face Against The Carpet


Your dog’s skin or respiratory system may become inflamed or irritated as a result of allergies.

Your dog may be trying to ease their itchy, inflamed skin in one way by finding items to scratch against, like your carpet. If they carry on doing so for a while, the friction of rubbing against your carpets may cause them to begin to have abrasions on their nose and face.

There’s a significant probability that your dog may have come into touch with something they’re sensitive to if the season has changed or you’ve gone for a walk in a new location and this behavior appears out of nowhere. When this occurs, the only method to determine if your dog has allergies is to take them to a veterinarian. 

2. To Wipe Their Faces Off

In the same way, a dog rubs its face on the ground after eating, he can choose to do it on the carpet. A dog might be wiping drool from his face, however, others who drool a lot might prefer to do it on the closest person.

3. External Parasites

Parasites are another common issue. Due to their allergy to flea saliva, many dogs may scratch, rub, or itch after being bitten by a flea. They may also develop nose mites, which will make them paw at their muzzle. They may also become so agitated by ticks in their ears that they rub their heads against objects.

4. Skin Infections

A dog’s face can get irritated by skin-related conditions including bacterial or yeast infections. When a dog has a hot spot on their face, if they can’t scratch it, they will frequently rub the spot against something. Check for skin fold pyoderma in the lip folds of dogs like Spaniels as well as the facial folds of breeds like Shar Peis and English Bulldogs.

5. Is There Something on Your Carpet? 

Consider whether you’ve recently applied anything to your carpet as another important factor. Your dog may simply enjoy the scent if you occasionally wash your carpets and only then do you notice them being rubbed by your dog. Although the smells they chose can occasionally be rather irritating to us, some dogs are more prone to roll in smells they find interesting. Your dog may be rubbing their face on the new smell because they prefer it after you spill something on the carpet.

6. Dental pain

Dogs frequently rub their faces on furniture or the ground due to dental issues. In dogs, periodontal disease affects 80% of them, and tooth decay affects 5%. Many dogs may rub their muzzles and exhibit distressing behaviors, such as crying, in response to the pain and discomfort.

7. Brain Tumor

Unfortunately, neurological issues can also make dogs rub their heads against the carpet or other household things. A tumor’s pressure, pain, and discomfort might cause dogs to get distressed and try to numb their headache.

8. Trauma

The face may itch, burn, or swell as a result of a bee sting or a snake bite. Your dog could require a trip to the vet if he is experiencing pain or itchiness in his face as a result of a sting or another injury.

9. Collar Irritation

A dog may rub its face and neck on the floor, furniture, or walls to relieve discomfort when wearing a new collar or one that is too tight. A dog’s collar should be examined if it is new to make sure it isn’t overly tight or causing the dog’s neck discomfort. Additionally, if a dog’s collar hasn’t been taken off and washed in a while, or if the dog has grown or put on weight, the collar may suddenly be too tight and require adjusting or removal. Your dog’s collar should be just wide enough for two fingers to go easily under it.

10. Low Calcium Levels

Hypocalcemia, or low calcium levels, can also cause facial itching and scratching. Numerous medical conditions can cause low calcium, which can also manifest as other symptoms such as twitching, convulsions, restlessness, aggression, and/or excessive drinking or peeing. Any dog exhibiting these clinical symptoms needs to be evaluated immediately by a veterinarian who will also need to diagnose and monitor the illness.

11. Marking Territory

Dogs can mark their territories by peeing, pooping, or just rubbing their bodies or faces on an object. Invisible pheromones are left behind on the carpet, furniture, or other items the dog is rubbing. While humans are unable to detect pheromones, dogs can.

12. Blepharitis

An inflammation of the eye, namely the eyelids and outer skin, is called blepharitis. It might make your dog persistently paw at an eye or both. If your dog exhibits any indications of eye inflammation, schedule a visit with your veterinarian as soon as possible.

13. It feels great

When it comes to different fabrics and textures, dogs are much like people. Sometimes, rubbing their faces on objects just feels good. Your dog’s tendency to rub its face on the carpet may not have to have a good reason. Sometimes dogs will do something just for fun. As with any pet activity, if you pay close attention to how often your pet rubs his face, you can tell immediately whether it’s just for pleasure or if something is amiss.

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